The Siege of al-Merayah

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Wicked cultist are trying to take over al Merayah. The Marya are doing what they can to prevent that from happening, but the cultists are slowly gaining ground. They have all but taken over the outskirts of the village and must be stopped..

Journal Entries

Mission Story.png The Siege of al-Merayah       Story Mission
Tier 1
Tier 1 Description
  • Tier 1 Objectives


Dragon.png FROM: The Dragon
To: <Character Name>
SUBJECT: {{{name}}}
The Marya exist to serve al-Merayah. They have done so for over three-thousand years. But all of a sudden their ancient enemies - the cultists of Aten - have been galvanized. Now, the Marya are unable to maintain the parameters of peace.

Ultimately, we care little for how things unfold, as long as we are in the shadows of their unfolding. For now ,the advantages of regional access and future considerations have us playing the role of a Council peacekeeper.

Or, as we prefer to think of it, a keeper of the chaos quo.

Illuminati.png FROM: The Labyrinth
To: <Character Name>
SUBJECT: {{{name}}}
Ugh, local politics. Believe me, getting involved in some anti-cultist rally isn't our idea of a good time. But you don't have to take on any causes. We simply ask that you help maintain the status quo.

The Marya are good people. By which I mean naive and trusting. Our first foothold in the region will go through them.

Ideally, we find out what Atenism is suddenly experiencing such a revival and curtail it. That way we pacify Venice and accumulate future considerations.


Templars.png FROM: Temple Hall
To: <Character Name>
SUBJECT: {{{name}}}
No one's asking you to be a saviour. Well, not yet. Simply help the Marya maintain the status quo against the Atenist uprising. I assure you their ancient engagement in al-Merayah is quite just.

As is out current one.

The Marya have been fighting this was for a long time - over three thousand years. Their historical enemies - the cultists of Aten - have recently become reinvigorated. Whether the source of this newfound vigour is internal or external is something to be determined.

Needless to say, we should like to be the ones who determine it.

R. Sonnac

"Secret World Legends"
Exp.png [[Experience|No Data]]
PaxRomana.png No Data
  SWL Patron Icon.png Membership Bonus
Exp.png + No Data


There are 4 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/4

Tier 2/4

Tier 3/4

Tier 4/4




Are you bringing us reinforcements today?
We could use reinforcements. We have already lost the outskirts of al-Merayah.
The town itself cannot be allowed to fall. This is why we are here.
"We" are the Marya, young warriors of an old land.
The Black Land. A land of old religions, old enemies.
Ask the desert what it remembers.
It is merely an expression.


Boss these plans...


I know. I know it is different from the stories.
When the stories were written, no one had machine guns.
Egypt's strength is its people.
Time and time again, when their voices are silenced, they raise up their fists.
The cult of Aten, they fear the people, so with poison words and drugs they empty men's souls to join their "uprising."
An uprising that spites freedom, leaves only mindless slaves.
Slaves to a great Enemy who hates all things.
This is His homeland. They are preparing it for His return.
We fight, but every day there are more Atenist slaves.
Too many. Soon, more than we can handle... without resorting to extremes.
This started as a guerrilla war, but now...
Now it is open war between the Marya... and our ancient Enemy.

Other Information

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