The Confession of Ellis Hill

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The Confession of Ellis Hill
Shade of Ellis Hill.png
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Kingsmouth
Start Location: Skateboard Park
Start Coords: (384,748)
Given by: Ellis Hill's note
Type: Item
Reward: 149,600 Experience Experience
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update Seasonal

The ghost of Ellis Hill was wandering around the old bike track in Kingsmouth. When defeated, it dropped a bizarre note. This might be something that would be useful for Danny's book.


  • None

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: The ghost of Ellis Hill was wandering around the old bike track in Kingsmouth. When defeated, it dropped a bizarre note. This might be something that would be useful for Danny's book.
    • Read the note dropped by the ghost
    • Locate Ellis Hill's car
  • Tier 2: A confession, dropped by the entity that was once Ellis Hill, talks of a murder that took place at his car. Locate the car, and examine the evidence to prove the story true.
    • Examine the proof of the confession
    • Escape the Traps




Some things die so that others may live. The world has always been like this. If the real Ellis Hill had been an antelope and the other a lion, would you feel outraged?

The model we are building counts you as variables. Does it make you uncomfortable to think that if you died, for many in the Dragon you would be a -1 that needed to be accounted for in the models?


Fake Ellis Hill writes a love letter to dead Ellis Hill? That's one creepy Phoenician fucker. You might want to watch yourself around him, especially if he offers you a hug. Don't worry, I'm expecting management to finish surveillance on him soon. Then we'll send you in to demonstrate what the pointy part of the pyramid is for.


Well, that was disturbing. Our organisation doesn't pretend to be spotless- our colours include red for a reason - but we don't derive sick fascination from describing the details of a man's death. If it wasn't clear before, we know that "Ellis Hill" is a Phoenician agent. What we're still trying to figure out is what he wants. When the reckoning comes for that monster, we'll let you handle the dispensation of justice.


There is only 2 tiers for this mission

Tier 1/2

  • Read the note dropped by the ghost
    • This mission can be a bit buggy - there may be multiple notes on the ground that you can't use. You first have to click on "Shade of Ellis Hill]] walking around nearby to create a new one on the ground and use it
  • Locate Ellis Hill's car

Tier 2/2

  • Examine the proof of the confession
    • Use Ellis Hil's car
  • Escape the Traps
    • All of the gas cans on the floor will begin to explode, just stay out of the white circles.
    • Mission completes when you leave the hanger

Other Information


<gallery> File:Shade of Ellis Hill.png|Shade of Ellis Hill </cleanse>

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