Skateboard Park

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Skateboard Park
Skateboard Park.jpg
Map Coordinates: (435,670)
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Kingsmouth
Type: Player versus environment

The Skateboard Park in Kingsmouth is a small depressed skating area with half-pipe walls and room for multiple skaters to be in it at the same time. There is also a dirt bicycle trail that runs through the nearby area to the north of the skating park.

Danny Dufresne has pitched a tent in the middle of the park, has set up barricades at the entrance, and drug a picnic table down into it.



Started at this Location

Danny Dufresne
width ATC
width Men in Black Vans

Location involved in

width Bringing Sexy Back
width I Phone Home
width Dawning of an Endless Night



  • This location is included in Townie exploration achievement.
