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== Report ==
== Report ==
Our greatest enemy is that which seeks to devour the cycle itself. Death and disorder are not the same.
Our greatest enemy is that which seeks to devour the cycle itself. Death and disorder are not the same.

Revision as of 23:33, 29 June 2016

The Living Oil
Region: Valley of the Sun God
Zone: Scorched Desert
Start Location: Cafe Giza
Start Coords: No Data
Given by: Zhara
Type: Sabotage
Reward: 250,810 Experience Experience
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.0

The area around al-Merayah is infected with a slick, oily substance that corrupts everything it comes into contact with. Investigate the corruption and try to prevent it from spreading.



Zhara: (passing an envelope over the counter to you) I've written a letter to my sister.
Zhara: I know it is a lot to ask...
Zhara: You need to keep everything a secret. I promise, I say nothing about what is happening here.
Zhara: I only tell her that I miss her and that I love her.
Zhara: Thank you, it is all I ask.
Zhara: I do not ask to be brought along.
Zhara: Your roads are for your people only.
Zhara: I know this because some have tried, and they were...stung.
Zhara: In their minds, they say. So no, I do not wish to try.
Zhara: I treasure my mind too highly.
Zhara: Besides, I want to stay.
Zhara: I want to be here with friends and neighbours, to serve them tea and cakes, as long as there is tea and cakes.
Zhara: And friends.
Zhara: But no fruit, no dates. The places they grow in are infected.
Zhara: The soil has become black with the living oil which seeps up from below.
Zhara: There are stories about it, stories from long ago, when the oil was only in the deepest places.
Zhara: Now, the oil lives in the sun.
Zhara: These are different times. Darker times.
Zhara: I know the Aten worshippers and their slaves are pulling the oil out of the ground, out of the plants and the fruits.
Zhara: They harvest it, make others feed on it.
Zhara: That turns them into monsters; not just mindless slaves, like the cultists, but real monsters.
Zhara: We want our land back, our people.
Zhara: And our dates. "Man cannot live on tea and cakes alone."
Zhara: Although, this is no bad thing for business.
Zhara: I hope the letter finds my sister well, that the disease is not spreading. No...
Zhara: do not tell me. I wish to believe in a place beyond this...
Zhara: where the soil is still clean, for as long as possible.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Zhara says that the local fruit is poisoned by the black oil that corrupts the land. She has seen how the cultists harvest the oil and try to spread the infection.
    • Go to the date factory
    • Destroy the shipping truck
  • Tier 2: There are trucks filled with dates ready to be shipped from the factory. These dates are surely corrupted and should be destroyed.
    • Locate more trucks
    • Destroy the second shipping truck
    • Destroy the third shipping truck
  • Tier 3: The trucks have been put out of commission for awhile, but there are more dates ready to be shipped out once the trucks can be fixed. Watch out- the entire place is heavily guarded by both guards and alarms.
    • Locate dates ready for shipment
    • Destroy the dates stored for drying
    • Find another batch of packed dates
    • Destroy the dates stored for drying
  • Tier 4: The crates that were ready for shipment have been destroyed. The next step is to take care of the freshly picked dates.
    • Find freshly picked dates
    • Destroy the freshly picked dates
  • Tier 5: The most imminent threat has been eliminated. It's time to find the source of the corruption.
    • Search the area for the Filth source
    • Find a way to destroy the Filth-infected insect mound




Our greatest enemy is that which seeks to devour the cycle itself. Death and disorder are not the same.

The Filth does more than grease the gears of Atenist worship. It consumes without hope of renewal, it is not like fire, or water, or night.

The villagers must be kept from being infected by it, just as they must be kept from being infected by too much hope or despair. Now is not the time for feeling, only cold studied measures.

Kill all who have come in contact.



Atenists. Ugh. You expect radical worship and signs of sunstroke, but not this level of administrative competence. Certainly not the ability to organise Filth-shipments and drive a stick. Assume the cultists are at the mercy of someone smarter than themselves. Faith-heads always are.

We can deal with a Filth outbreak among the villagers, but once it seeps into the broader commercial network, it starts to affect our bottom line.

Fun fact: A shipment of "date molasses" got flagged in Alexandria. We're pretty sure it's the only one that made it out. Fingers crossed.



"Living oil of the earth! What is death? A river of deep mortal pangs." (Pindar)

What we have come to know as Filth has been around a long time. But so deeply buried that it surfaced only in the nightmares of poets. Now it threatens every fruit stand in the village.

The resurgence of Atenism is vexing, but even more vexing is its fervor and faculty for spreading Filth. The two rise together.

If Pindar were alive today, he would tell you to keep them both as far away from shipping trucks as possible.

R. Sonnac


There are 5 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/5

  • Go to the date factory
    • Marked on your map
  • Destroy the shipping truck
    • Target the trucks, they should have red outlines.
    • Not all abilities will work against them
    • The two Miracle Workers at the entrance to the Date Factory will come to investigate when the truck blows up. You can engage them, or back away and they won't see you.
    • Also, there is a group of four Atenist Patrollers that come down the road with a Marya Captive. Easy to avoid, but they can come up behind you while you're blowing the truck up if you're not watching.

Tier 2/5

  • Locate more trucks
    • Further along the road, the 2nd and 3rd truck will be parked next to each other at a loading dock
  • Destroy the second shipping truck
  • Destroy the third shipping truck

Tier 3/5

  • Locate dates ready for shipment
    • Avoid the patrolling monsters
    • Avoid the cameras, you can see where they are pointed by light patches on the ground
    • The cameras will periodically move, so you may want to take a moment to time your movements
  • Destroy the dates stored for drying
    • Use the crates (as opposed to shooting them like you did with the trucks)
  • Find another batch of packed dates
    • Located at (363,327), marked on your map
    • If you get outside the east wall of the Date Factory it is easiest to move without being attacked.
    • From outside the wall, you can also use the "Gas Valve" near the crates to distract the Miracle Workers guarding the crates, and then use the crates while they are investigating
  • Destroy the dates stored for drying
    • Use them

Tier 4/5

  • Find freshly picked dates
    • Located at (362,428), marked on your map
    • Easiest path to them is to go outside the wall of the compound, on the east side, and then hop over the wall when you're next to them
    • There is a forklift nearby you can use to distract the three Miracle Worker guards
  • Destroy the freshly picked dates

Tier 5/5

  • Search the area for the Filth source
    • Located at (343,486), marked on your map
  • Find a way to destroy the Filth-infected insect mound
    • NOTE: Attempting to attack the mound directly results in a large number of locusts attacking
    • There is a barrel of oil at (344,506) inside an open shack/cover. Use it and it will tip over. You can then ignite the oil, and destroy the mound.

Other Information


  • Pindar, from the Templar report, is an ancient greek poet



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