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Revision as of 20:57, 14 June 2016

The Right Round
Region: Tokyo
Zone: Kaidan
Start Coords: (379,610)
Given by: Kurt Kuszczak
Type: Action
Requires: Sidestories: Love & Loathing
Reward: No Data
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: No Data

Kurt says there is a wave of Filth incoming. He also says that Orochi developed more advanced mobile defence towers. However, the team sent to test the towers was killed.



Kurt Kuszczak: Sir, permission to speak freely.
Kurt Kuszczak: Thank you, sir.
Kurt Kuszczak: To be frank... sir, I have
Kurt Kuszczak: an ever increasing anxiety that you do not exist.
Kurt Kuszczak: And if you do not exist,
Kurt Kuszczak: that presents a logic problem regarding the orders you gave me
Kurt Kuszczak: and the current state of the chain of command.
Kurt Kuszczak: Yes, sir. I understand.
Kurt Kuszczak: It's getting worse out there. Always worse.
Kurt Kuszczak: We need better gear.
Kurt Kuszczak: It's out there.
Kurt Kuszczak: Orochi developed mobile defense towers, still experimental.
Kurt Kuszczak: They were in the process of developing the towers to combat the presence designated the Filth.
Kurt Kuszczak: The team deploying the towers were killed, mid-process.
Kurt Kuszczak: We need those towers.
Kurt Kuszczak: A large of these Filth creatures are inbound.
Kurt Kuszczak: If you can collect and deploy the defense towers, we might live to see another hour.
Kurt Kuszczak: Oh, and sing a Christmas carol while you're out there.
Kurt Kuszczak: I've discovered that the black signal does not like Christmas songs.
(He whistles "O Holy Night")

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Before finding the towers, you'll need to know more information about them.
    • Find information on the Orochi operation
    • Find an entrance to the sewers
    • Enter the sewers
  • Tier 2: The Orochi MK II Towers should be in the sewers. And so should the Filth...
    • Examine the surroundings
    • Find information about the Orochi MK II Towers
    • Pick up MK II Towers
    • Approach Filth wall
    • Prepare for the assault
    • Fight off the Filth waves
  • Tier 3: The towers seem to function, and the sewers run deeper still.
    • Collect towers and move deeper into the sewers
    • Prepare for the assault
    • Fight the waves of Filth
  • Tier 4: The towers seem to function, and the sewers run deeper still.
    • Move deeper into the sewers
    • Prepare for the assault
    • Fight the waves of Filth
    • Go deeper into the sewers
  • Tier 5: The Filth must be pouring through a breach. Someone needs to plug it up, and you are the only one down there.
    • Approach the breach
    • Prepare for the assault
    • Fight the waves of Filth
    • Plant MK II Towers at the breach
    • When ready, destroy the towers to seal the breach
    • Escape to Kaidan




I would make a pun about how the best offence is a strong defence tower, but I am above such things. That an insane man like this Kurt Kuszczak would be the only one in his unit to survive, and continue to survive in that war zone, seems unlikely. There are those who hypothesise that insanity is a clumsy evolutionary step towards a new level of hyper-consciousness, an adaptation to surviving in a stranger and stranger world.


The specs on those defence towers might prove useful to us. And if the field testing only costs a few dozen Orochi red shirts, then it's a bargain from any angle. Ciao-ciao.



You showed quick thinking and steely nerves sealing that Filth breach. You succeeded where all those poor souls send to test the defence towers failed. This proves that the gear is only as good as the hand that wields it. I shall use my hands to applaud.

R. Sonnac


There are 5 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/5

  • Find information on the Orochi operation
  • Find an entrance to the sewers
  • Enter the sewers

Tier 2/5

  • Examine the surroundings
  • Find information about the Orochi MK II Towers
    • Examine the Field report at 141,282
  • Pick up MK II Towers
  • Approach Filth wall
  • Prepare for the assault
  • Fight the Filth waves

Tier 3/5

  • Collect towers and move deeper into the sewers
  • Prepare for the assault
  • Fight the Filth waves

Tier 4/5

  • Move deeper into the sewers
  • Prepare for the assault
  • Fight the waves of Filth
  • Go deeper into the sewers

Tier 5/5

  • Approach the breach
  • Prepare for the assault
  • Fight the waves of Filth
  • Plant MK II Towers at the breach
  • When ready, destroy the towers to seal the breach
  • Escape to Kaidan

Other Information



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