Who Horrifies the Horrors?

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Who Horrifies the Horrors?
Region: Transylvania
Zone: Besieged Farmlands
Start Coords: (1200,1242)
End location: [[(395,557)]]
Given by: Carmen Preda
Type: Action
Recommended Level: 50
Requires: What Was Missed
Reward: 7,869 Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Story Arc: What Was Missed
Next Mission: A Trail of Breadcrumbs
Game Version: SWLicon.png SWL
Added in: Update 2.0.2

Carmen believes something new lurks in the dark woods, something that has agitated the werewolves to erratic behaviour. Go to the forest's edge and see what is what.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Carmen believes something new lurks in the dark woods, something that has agitated the werewolves to erratic behaviour. Go to the forest's edge and see what is what.
    • Search the eastern village entrance for signs of werewolves
    • Drive back the werewolf assault
    • Find out where the werewolves are coming from
  • Tier 2: The werewolves have never attacked the village directly before. The air hangs heavy with the musky-piss stink of lycanthrope fear. Find out what is pushing them from the forest.
    • Examine the lupine corpse
    • Defend Yourself
    • Follow the back trail of the injured werewolves!
  • Tier 3: The lycanthropes are wounded, and not just by you. Keep tracking them. The trail of blood, musk, and corpses will lead to answers.
    • Examine the maimed lupine corpse
    • Defend Yourself
    • Continue following the werewolves’ backtrail
  • Tier 4: More werewolf remains? And what is that inhuman roar? It is not lycanthrope howling, vampire keening, or ghoul gibbering. Do you dare to find out?
    • Search the area for signs of injured werewolves
    • Defend Yourself
    • Continue following the werewolves’ backtrail
  • Tier 5: The lycanthropes grow more agitated. You must be close to the source of their terror.
    • Search for signs of injured werewolves
    • Defend Yourself
    • Follow the werewolf tracks and confront the creature
  • Tier 6: A new, lumbering horror tears through the werewolves and drives them from the dark woods. Destroy this loathsome abomination.
    • Kill the Dark Woods Horror




The child allowed himself to be a child again, for a single breath. He shed a single tear, a tear for the loss of the child he might have been, and also for the loss of other children. You are his tear. You flow toward the answer. It is inevitable. It is the nature of your gravity. Be that inevitability. Flow after the truth, and you will succeed. You will have no other choice.


You've got to figure "terrifying the piss out of werewolves" is a coup for any monster's CV. Whatever you encountered out there is new. Changing paradigms are peachy, but we have to be on top of it, so that we make it our paradigm. Lets to the Mulder/Scully thing and find out what we can. Be whichever one you want, I don't care. I'll just be phoning in my part anyways.



Life gives us ever more horrors to hone ourselves upon - new ways for us to either fail in fear and vice, or ascend our previous limits in virtue. The creature you've slain is new to us. That is worrisome. I do not like the playing pieces changing mid-game. Inquire further, with sharp mind and sharper weapon. There is something distasteful afoot.

R. Sonnac


There are 6 tiers to this mission.

NOTE: You cannot leave the trail while on mission or you will fail it. Once you have started tracking the werewolves you cannot stray too far from the tracks or you will get the warning notice about leaving the mission area.

Tier 1/6

  • Search the eastern village entrance for signs of werewolves
  • Drive back the werewolf assault
  • Find out where the werewolves are coming from

Tier 2/6

  • Examine the lupine corpse
    • Just off the road, at (1118,787)
    • Use the yellow-outlined werewolf corpse
  • Defend Yourself
  • Follow the back trail of the injured werewolves!

Tier 3/6

  • Examine the maimed lupine corpse
    • Where the trail ended at (844,810)
    • Use the yellow-outlined werewolf corpse
  • Defend Yourself
  • Continue following the werewolves’ backtrail

Tier 4/6

  • Search the area for signs of injured werewolves
    • A yellow-outlined "Lupine Limb", just off the road to the left
  • Defend Yourself
  • Continue following the werewolves’ backtrail

Tier 5/6

  • Search for signs of injured werewolves
  • Defend Yourself
  • Follow the werewolf tracks and confront the creature
    • Follow the tracks
    • You will be ambushed three times, by two of the Enraged Custurii each time. You will know the ambush is coming when the screen shakes.
    • Leads to (482,589)

Tier 6/6

  • Kill the Dark Woods Horror
    • This can be an extremely hard fight depending on your gear and level.
      • Healtank + Ranged DPS in QL6-10 gear took him down after a prolonged fight. At that level, solo would not have been able to do it.
      • For undergeared players, wait nearby and watch the werewolves fight the Dark Woods Horror until it falls to 30K health. If you get at least one hit before it reaches 25K health, you will get credit for the quest.
    • A Cutscene appears before you can kill him


Carmen Preda: "Trouble never comes alone," they say. If it was only the vampires,
Carmen Preda: only the thousands of vampires,
Carmen Preda: we could counterattack.
Carmen Preda: Give them a war to remember when they are back under the cold, cold soil.
Carmen Preda: But no. They have loosed their mongrel werewolves to run red and rabid.
Carmen Preda: You will see these are unfortunate, mistreated beasts. Not the proud wolves of legend.
Carmen Preda: Do no make the mistake of sparing them your pity.
Carmen Preda: It is too late for them now.
Carmen Preda: Better too late for them than too late for us.
Carmen Preda: Da, I have done this before.
Carmen Preda: This side of my country is a side that...
Carmen Preda: stays among countrymen.
Carmen Preda: Yet there are also matters in which even I am inexperienced.
Carmen Preda: At night, I have heard something moving through the woods down there.
Carmen Preda: Crashing through the woods.
Carmen Preda: It is no season for ogres or dragons.
Carmen Preda: The last of them were hunted in my grandmother's grandmother's time.
Carmen Preda: Go prepared for anything!
Carmen Preda: Today, this valley holds no safety for man...or monster.


As you examine the corpse...


Narrator: The wounds on this corpse have not come from any common beast. Whatever did this has the werewolves running scared.

Other Information

  • Upon completion of this mission, you will automatically be given A Trail of Breadcrumbs
  • While working on this mission, you should also pickup and work on The Howling side mission - the objectives for that mission all appear along the trail you are following for this one, and are are easily done together.

Related Achievements


  • From the Illuminati report - the "monster's CV" refers to Curriculum vitae - a version of a resume
  • From the Illuminati report - "Mulder/Scully" refers to characters in the paranormal/horror TV show, The X-Files



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