The Girls Who Cried Wolf/tsw

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The Girls Who Cried Wolf
Region: Transylvania
Zone: Besieged Farmlands
Start Location: The Hollander's Mill
Start Coords: (609,601)
Given by: Céline Giroux
Type: Action
Requires: Revenge Served Hot
Reward: 598,410 Experience Experience
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.0

Céline and Aurélie have taken refuge in an abandonded windmill. Something about this bizarre structure - oversized and out of place - attracts and repels attackers all at once. Uncover the history of the windmill while helping the girls stay alive.



Auréli: (To Céline) I know you're not listening to me, but be careful.
Céline: (Trying to start a chainsaw) What's that? I can't hear you.
Auréli: Very adulte.
Auréli: (To you) Céline, she never lets anything go. She is like my big, tough sister, watching out for petite Auréli.
Auréli: She said that, if a boy will break my heart, she will break his arm.
Auréli: He did, and so did she, in two places.
Céline: (Has the chainsaw started, looking at approaching werewolves) Who wants to dance? Who's fucking next?
Auréli: It was my idea that we need a long holiday. It was her brother's idea that we came here.
Auréli: "See the Carpathians! Experience the beauty!"
Auréli: (Noticing a werewolf closing in on Céline) Hey sweetheart! Watch out!
Auréli: This maybe a stupid question, but do you believe a place can be magic?
Auréli: Magic you feel in the air, that pulls at you, makes you lose your mind.
Auréli: Burns like the first kiss: beautiful and horrible.
Auréli: It tells you that you can do anything, that consequences don't matter. It's romantic, non?
Auréli: The old windmill, it feels like that. Like magic, like love.
Auréli: A place of safety, but danger, also.
Auréli: We weren't the only ones drawn to it. The wolfmen came, so many wolves, hungry, crazy. Insatiable.
Auréli: So we armed ourselves. You know what the stories say about wolves and pretty young girls.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: The girls have made barricades and successfully defended their position. However, the giant windmill is difficult to keep secure when you are only two.
    • Go to the eastern barricade
    • Repel the assault
  • Tier 2: The werewolves will continue to assault the undefended barricades. The best way to help Céline and Aurélie is to go for the enemy's throat.
    • Find the werewolf camp
    • Kill werewolves (0/7)
    • Destroy werewolf totems (0/3)
  • Tier 3: If there are any holed up survivors, they could be united with Celine and Aurelie to better defend the windmill. Scout the surrounding area. At the very least, there may be information about what happened here.
    • Scout the farm
    • Find out what happened here
    • Investigate the Orochi Truck
    • Download information from the interface
  • Tier 4: Orochi sent agents to the area to investigate the windmill - a magical structure embedded with rune stones and build by someone known as the Dutchman.
    • Locate one of the rune stones found by Orochi
    • Locate another rune stone found by Orochi
  • Tier 5: Take the rune stones sought after by Orochi and use them to unlock the mystery of the Dutchman's windmill.
    • Go to the windmill
    • Pierce the windmill's secret
    • Enter the portal
    • Investigate the cave
    • Put the Dutchman's Shadow to rest
    • Examine the Dutchman's journal
  • Tier 6: The Dutchman was drawn to this site of magic and compelled to construct upon it. The windmill was built to be a beacon, a safe haven for the creatures in his dreams. If its power can be revitalised, it could be a safe haven for Céline and Aurélie as well.
    • Go back to the windmill
    • Reinforce the low level ward
    • Reinforce the mid level ward
    • Reinforce the high level ward




We are all compelled by something we cannot comprehend. The Dutchman by the dream of his mill. Backpackers by their desire to see. Wolves by a bestial instinct. And Orochi by its need to... Not everything is in place.

The windmill is a fascinating anima-harnessing structure, but it is not the reason for Orochi's presence in Transylvania. It represents one of those sublime encounters one has along a journey, like a panda in the forest. It may stop the hunter in his tracks, but he soon counts the bullets in his gun, and recalls this isn't the beast he came for.



This is a major infodump and we need to prioritize.

a) Orochi: The operation you stumbled across smells like a side project. I don't see Orochi going to Romania for some Dutchman's labor of love.

b) The windmill: Okay, it's more than just some Dutchman's labour of love. It's built on an anima-well and designed to harness occult power. Quaint. With regular maintenance it should serve as a safe haven out there.

c) Werewolves: Silver bullets will do the trick. Also, regular bullets.

d) The French girls: Ugh, parlez-vous American?

Executive summary: decent work.



I envy you, I truly do. My talents are best served in administrative matters, of course, but adventure beckons when I read your reports. Magical windmills, werewolves, feisty French darlings. The romantic in me dreams of traipsing by your side.

I'm gushing, I apologise - it's completely out of character. A man suffers such spells on occasion.

The windmill, or anima-mill, was designed to harness the occult-spring upon which it is built. It is a fascinating structure, but not enough to justify the Orochi presence.

Remain vigilant out there - and make the most of it.

R. Sonnac


There are 6 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/6

Tier 2/6

Tier 3/6

  • Scout the farm
  • Find out what happened here
  • Investigate the Orochi Truck
  • Download information from the interface
    • There are some red-outlined keyboards in the truck, but what you actually need to click is the main screen in the back

Tier 4/6

  • Locate one of the rune stones found by Orochi
  • Locate another rune stone found by Orochi

Tier 5/6

  • Go to the Windmill
  • Pierce the windmill's secret
    • There is a door on the ground floor with 2 white [] brackets over it, use both of them. The one on the left can be hard to target, may have to move around a bit to get it.
  • Enter the portal
    • There isn't a timer shown, but if you wait too long, this step will fail, and you will get a step called 'Active the portal'. Use the runes again.
    • Step into the doorway
    • You'll enter the Dutchman's Lair Instance
  • Investigate the cave
    • There is a small shelter in the back of the cave.
  • Put The Dutchman's Shadow to rest
  • Examine the Dutchman's journal
    • On the table in the shelter

Tier 6/6

  • Go back to the windmill
    • Leave the instance
  • Reinforce the low level ward
    • Go up the stairs Céline Giroux and Aurélie are sitting on and inside the windmill
    • Use the white [] brackets there
  • Reinforce the mid level ward
    • Up 3 ramps, and then out the window and up the platform outside to the [] brackets
  • Reinforce the high level ward
    • Back inside, up 4 ramps, and then outside again and around the platform.
    • Attacked by a Herald of Despair after you use the high level ward

Other Information

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