Scorched Earth (Mission)/tsw

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Scorched Earth (Mission)/tsw
Cultist supply crate.jpg
Region: Valley of the Sun God
Zone: Scorched Desert
Start Coords: 657,479
Given by: Cultist Supply Crate
Type: Item
Reward: 125,410 Experience Experience
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.0

These crates full of supplies are found in all the cultist camps. Destroy crates in the camps to deprive the cultists of their supplies.


  • None

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: There's a camp fairly close, and the crates are guarded. Get rid of the guards and destroy the crates
    • Thin the population of Obedient Servants (0/10)
    • Destroy cultist supply crate
  • Tier 2: There's another camp further west.
    • Thin the population of 4 Bringers of Offerings
    • Kill Nathifa, Disciple of the Voice
    • Destroy 2 cultist supply caches
  • Tier 3: Continue west to find another camp full of supplies.
    • Thin the population of 2 Masters of Offerings
    • Kill the Demagogue
    • Destroy 2 cultist supply caches




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Your field report has been received and is currently being analysed and evaluated. Thank you for your contribution. We will contact you if more information is needed. A reward and cash bonus has been credited to your account.


There are 3 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/3

  • Thin the population of 10 Obedient Servants
  • Destroy 2 cultist supply crates
    • There are 3, located at (607,529), (625,525) and (621,539)

Tier 2/3

Tier 3/3

  • Thin the population of 2 Master of Offerings
    • Each one will be flanked by 2 Grateful Workers that will attack at the same time
  • Kill the Demagogue
  • Destroy 2 cultist supply caches
    • There are 3 in the area, located at (591,560), (577,558) and (526,557)

Other Information



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