Pirating the Signal/tsw

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Pirating the Signal/tsw
Pirating the Signal.png
Region: Tokyo
Zone: Kaidan
Start Location: Orochi Housing Projects
Start Coords: (728,232)
End location: [[(876,157)]]
Given by: Scanner
Type: Item
Reward: 149,603 Experience Experience
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.10

A dead Orochi tech clutches a scanner. With it, one might be able to locate nearby Orochi comm transmitters..


  • None

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: If you can find a working comm transmitter, you might be able to send valuable Orochi intel back to your faction.
    • Take the scanner
    • Use the scanner
    • Locate the first transmitter
    • Locate the second transmitter
    • Locate the third transmitter
    • Redirect the transmitter to your faction



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There is only 1 tier to this mission.

Tier 1/1

  • Take the scanner
    • On the ground at the mission start
    • You will receive a Scanner in your inventory
  • Use the scanner
  • Locate the first transmitter
    • A little north-west of the center of the search area, on the side of a house, up the stairs to a raised entry. Located at (828,257)
  • Locate the second transmitter
    • Use the Scanner from your inventory again
    • It's on the southwest edge of the search area, at the southeast corner of the cemetery, at (755,140). You can get access to it from the street, you don't have to enter the cemetery.
  • Locate the third transmitter
    • Use the Scanner from your inventory again
    • It's near the south-eastern side of the search area, at (876,157). The entrance to the area it is located in is at (874,126)
    • Note, you can get credit for finding the transmitter from the street side of the wall, but you'll have to run around to the grass side to get at it for the next step
  • Redirect the transmitter to your faction
    • Use the yellow-outlined Trasmitter

Other Information



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