The Stained Oasis/tsw

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The Stained Oasis/tsw
The Stained Oasis.jpg
Region: Valley of the Sun God
Zone: City of the Sun God
Start Location: Nefertari's monument
Start Coords: (294,900)
End location: [[(382,935)]]
Given by: Nefertari
Type: Action
Reward: 331,500 Experience Experience
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.0

Ma'at is the maintainer, the keeper of the cosmic justice. She regulated the stars and the fates of men. Those who follow in her path know how heavy the soul is, how difficult to hold up on the scales and judge.



Nefertari: Child of Gaia! Know that there is, always has been, a balance in the universe.
Hemitneter: Oh, gods, here we go.
Nefertari: The balance between Ma'at and Isfet.
Nefertari: On one side justice, on the other, chaos.
Nefertari: We seven, brothers and sisters, knowingly gave up our mortal lives-
Hemitneter: Knowingly? One might also say "naively."
Thutmose: (sighs) I must ask father to move the two of you away from each other.
Nefertari: Gave up our mortal lives to maintain this principle, for all eternity.
Nefertari: Just as Aten's disciples cast themselves into the arms of total chaos, bathed in his black Filth.
Nefertari: In their exhaustion, have my siblings faltered?
Hemitneter: I swear, if I could actually move over there, I would-
Nefertari: Stare me into submission? Why don't you give it a shot, see how it works out for you.
Thutmose: Oh, gods! As the two of you waste time and energy on quarrelling, the oasis is poisoned by creatures not seen since the Red Nights.
Nefertari: The Red Nights ended, brother. The oasis will dry out again.
Nefertari: We trust all will face judgement, in time.
Hemitneter: What a pot of shit. Did you not hear what he said? There is no time!
Nefertari: Did the High Priest of Amun raise you a man?
Hemitneter: Our father actually has a name.
Hemitneter: You know, being a stone statue really suits you.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Nefertari is the arbiter of souls in the region. Her burden is compounded by Filth seeping into the souls and infecting them. If any are to be redeemed, the hordes of sickened souls must be judged soon, lest all be judged harshly.
    • Pick up Nefertari's scales
    • Expose the soul of an Aspirant
    • Judge the souls of 8 Aspirants with Nefertari's scales
    • Head to the camp of initiates in the canyon
  • Tier 2: Some souls can still be saved, while others are too strained by the weight of black disease. To maintain balance on the scales, the sources of corruption must be contained.
    • Judge the souls of Initiates (0/8)
    • Block pools of Filth (0/4)
  • Tier 3: Some souls can still be freed, while others are too heavy with black disease. To maintain balance on the scales, the sources of corruption must be contained.
    • Find the main encampment
    • Place the scales on the Altar of Gaia
  • Tier 4: The arbiter's cold gaze sees and judges all. The leader of these Atenists must answer for the sombre sickness of his soul.
    • Help Ammit defend the altar from the Corrupted Akh
    • Find the leader of this band of Atenist
    • Judge the soul of Truthseeker Sefu




Neferteri is imbued with the spirit of the goddess Ma'at. We take issue with certain of their shared positions - that cosmic order is unassailable or that harmony is by nature greater than chaos.

But we do not wish to get into arguments with ancient goddess statues.

At the present time, it would not be productive.

For now our short-term goals are the same: to weigh Filth upon the cosmic scales and sentence it to death.


I could care less who gets saved and who doesn't. Kill them all and let the maggots sort it out. Though I appreciate your ability to work within necessary frameworks.

The Atenist Filth camp needed to be purged. Doing it in a way that satisfied Ms. Local-High-and-Mighty - Ma'at, Nefertari, whatever - bodes well for future synergy with the sentinels.

Smart money says the statues can do much more than pose. When the time comes for them to act, we want to be in a position to pull a string or two.



"But let judgement run down as waters" (Amos 5:24)

The goddess Ma'at - the weighter of cosmic scales - is the chosen aspect of the sentinel Nefertari. You have been honoured to be named her judge, jury, and executioner in the region.

It is a task fit for a Templar.

Unfortunately, the effects of the Filth make it a rather taxing and unpleasant affair. There are enough hearts heavy with sin without all this extra weight.

Judge not, lest ye be judged, they say. Well, we judge you constantly, and, thus far, your colours are flying.

R. Sonnac


There are 4 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/4

Tier 2/4

Tier 3/4

  • Find the main encampment
  • Place the scales on the Altar of Gaia
    • The altar will be past the first camp, over a rock bridge and in front of another tent, at (415,887)
    • Use the altar

Tier 4/4

Other Information

Related Achievements


  • The term Akh is Egyptian, and roughly means the mind, and could be thought of as the "ghost" of the person after death.



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