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Region: Valley of the Sun God
Zone: City of the Sun God
Start Coords: (606,814)
End location: [[The Withered Spring]]
Given by: Tablet piece
Type: Item
Reward: 404,870 Experience Experience
Repeatable: No
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.0

Near the desiccating corpse of an Orochi explorer, a section of an ancient tablet protrudes from the sand. Like the Sentinel statues, the tablet is made of a cleaner, newer stone than the blackened bricks of the Temple City.

Note: If you want to solve this mission without spoilers, it is best done after most of the other City of the Sun God missions, as it requires knowledge of various places around the zone to solve the clues.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Something about the stone is different from the bleak horrors of the Temple City. Find out what the Orochi agent made of it.
    • Examine the tablet
    • Examine the Orochi agent's log
  • Tier 2: According to the Orochi log, the tablet is part of a sequence detailing the work of the Sentinel's architect. The trail should continue across further tablets, if they have survived the devastation.
    • Find and translate the second tablet
    • Find and translate the third tablet
    • Find and translate the fourth tablet
  • Tier 3: This is the final section of the tablet inscription. Whether they gave up or were interrupted by the re-emergence of the Aten, this is as far as the Orochi patrols came in unravelling the builder's epitaph.
    • Find the bridge between worlds
    • Follow the builder's spirit




The Egypt equation is becoming ever more unstable and sublime. All the data you send confirms its harrowing beauty.

Rats in Oran + plague ratios = Camus & 7 sins / seven Sentinels - Aten(he = "b" squared) over Solomon system (darkness divided) to the power of Akhenaten (Ankhenaton (no oder in the nicht night)) sour times Waltari equals Amarna (ex why)

The dark god rises. The final plague is coming. It is a great time to be alive.


You have so much of my divided attention right now. I've got this tingling feeling that things are going sideways out there.

I'm doing my best to understand why we aren't in full control of the valley: it's hot, hectic. Whatever. That's pretty much what Alexander kept saying, but he still powered through like a champ.



"The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God" (Is. 40:3).

Ancient words can be a terror when misread. You are putting in a dazzling effort out there. Absolutely herculean. Unfortunately it is doing little to quiet the voice at the heart of the Atenist uprising.

They are paving their crooked highway and we must soldier on.

R. Sonnac


There are 3 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/3

  • Examine the tablet
    • Laying next to the dead agent
  • Examine the Orochi agent's log
    • Use the "Orochi translation device" next to the body

Tier 2/3

  • Find and translate the second tablet
Clue 1:
Read the translation
Clue 2:
The next tablet is near Ma'at
Clue 3:
Nefertari represents Ma'at
Clue 3:
Look for another dead Orochi agent
In the mouth of some dinosaur bones, at (347,839).
  • NOTE: The translation device for the second tablet is in the bush right next to the tablet, but it doesn't show up, can't be selected, and can't use the "U" key to use it. You'll have to move your mouse around the bush until it changes to a green target circle instead of the normal pointer.
  • Find and translate the third tablet
Clue 1:
You need to read the translation from tablet 2
Clue 2:
It mentions a female warrior
Clue 3:
Hemitneter represents Sekhmet, a warrior goddess
Clue 4:
It also mentions the steps of a temple
Look near the steps of The First Temple closest to Hemitneter's monument, at (165,345)
  • For this one, the translation device is properly visible, use both the tablet and the device
  • Find and translate the fourth tablet
Clue 1:
The clue states it is a she, she would be near the lake, and she would not be facing the tomb
Clue 2:
The name is Me...tse...r is Meretseger
Clue 3:
Moutemouia represents [Meretseger]
The dead Orochi is underneath a palm tree at the edge of the lake behind The Black Temple, at (804,293)
  • For this one, the translation device is not outlined in yellow, but it is easily visible and usable

Tier 3/3

  • Find the "bridge between worlds"
Clue 1:
Agartha is a bridge between worlds
Clue 2:
The translation also mentions death
You must be in Anima form, head towards the Agartha entrance. You're looking for a wraith, he's hard to find, standing at (758,141). "Use" the wraith to advance the mission.
  • Follow the builder's spirit
    • It will lead you to the "Remains of the Builder", at (744,156).
    • Use the remains.

Other Information



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