Fight For Your Rites/tsw

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Fight For Your Rites
Region: Valley of the Sun God
Zone: City of the Sun God
Start Coords: ???
Given by: Amir
Type: Action
Reward: No Data
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: No Data

Mission Action.png Fight For Your Rites/tsw       Main Mission
Amir says that some of his siblings are ensnared and corrupted by rituals of binding and that understanding those rituals may give certain insights into the Jinn.
Tier 1
Observe one of these Jinn binding rituals, and, if you can, disrupt it.
  • Tier 1 objectives


Tier 1/4

  • Find the binding ritual, Location 864,875.
  • Disrupt the ritual.
  • Survive the rakshasa attack.
    • Eventually a Jinn will come through the portal. After defeating him he will drop a tablet fragment.
  • Examine the tablet fragment.
    • Using the tablet will give you Jinn-sight, showing you a trail of fire to follow to the next tablet fragment. The fire trail is three dimensional, so you can not only tell the direction, but also the relative elevation of the next piece.

Tier 2/4

  • Follow the pull of the next fragment.
The next site is located at 427,735.
  • Examine the remains.
  • Defeat the Sand Golems.
  • Continue digging through the sand mound.
  • Take the tablet fragment.
  • Combine the tablet fragments in the flame of the nearby Brazier.
    • Located at 391,742.

Tier 3/4

  • Locate the next fragment.
    • As before, using the tablet fragment will grant you Jinn-sight, showing you the way to the next piece.
Next location is at 190,752. There is a sand mound in the western corner of the sand pit in the middle of the room.
  • Survive the Jinn attack.
  • Continue digging through the sand mound.
  • Retrieve the tablet fragment.
  • Combine the tablet fragments in the flame of the nearby Brazier.
    • On the right near the front door.

Tier 4/4

  • Locate the final tablet fragment.
    • As before, using the tablet fragment will grant you Jinn-sight, showing you the way to the next piece.
Located at 596,707
  • Disrupt the ritual.
    • Attacking any of the direct participants will alert the entire room, so its best to clear out the enemies from the back of the room first before engaging.
    • After disrupting the ritual, the Jinn will be set free. They will travel a short distance before disappearing, dropping the last fragment on the ground.
  • Combine the tablet fragments in the flame of the nearby Brazier.
    • The one in the northeast corner of the room.
  • Examine the completed tablet.
  • Return the completed tablet to Amir.
    • Upon return, Amir will translate the tablet for you.
Translation: Beneath You It Eats Its Name. When all the stars are consumed. We will sing it to the Audient Void. By fire. By water. By air. By earth. We are born of one. The Unbound was not. Best of us. The first given the breath of life by the Host. Wise is the maker who fears their own skill. Woe to all when a thing is made too well. The angels, all pallid and wan, trembled when it tore out its own name. It gnashed. It chewed. Memory became its food. And then no one could recall the name. Not even the makers. Names fetter fast when spoken true. But the Unbound had no chains. The Host could not command it. The Dreamers could not seduce it. Gaia could not inspire obeisance. Elohim, jinn, and shaytan trembled at its savage freedom. By the Howling! By the inconceivable fates. In the end, it was a solitary man, a clever ape. King Solomon, the miling magus, tricked and trapped the Unbound. Using a bauble from the Age of celestial sciences. The prison, a universe in a trinket, was placed under the Black Pyramid. And there the Unbound remains, behind the entrance unknown. Silently speak these letters three.
Next appears three symbols: 1. Two ropes entwined with a fan on top. 2. The Eye of Ra. 3. The arch of a doorway.
Translation: We will sing it to the Audient Void. When all the stars are consumed. Beneath You It Eats Its Name.

SWL Rewards




Moonlighting as an archaeologist are we? I'd say stop wasting time, but it's spent. May as well see if the lumps of clay you collected have anything interesting on them. It's not coming up as any known language on our end.



  • Interesting. I'm reviewing the photos you sent with the report. The letters on the tablets are not angelic script, but they are similar. Perhaps you could use your tenuous relationship with Amir for further insights. R. Sonnac


Dialogue Scene Name

Character Name: Dialogue

Other Information






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