Red Hands Aren't Idle Hands/tsw

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Red Hands Aren't Idle Hands/tsw
Region: Transylvania
Zone: Besieged Farmlands
Start Location: Ghoul Pit
Start Coords: (642,1321)
End location: [[Aid Station]]
Given by: Tracking device
Type: Item
Reward: 250,000 Experience Experience
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.0

An unassuming black box lies discarded behind the haul of dying cathode monitors and displays. Though it failed to entertain the ghouls, it may be more enticing to other parties.


Dialogue Scene Name

  • None

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: You would guess at the device being a receiver, but is anything in the razed Soviet work town still transmitting?
    • Pick up the tracking device
    • Activate the tracking device
  • Tier 2: The source of the signal was a battered attache case of documents, personal reports of a Dr Varia. The junior Varias would want to see this.
    • Find the source of the signal
    • Pick up the documents
    • Deliver the documents to Vasile Varias




For a time, the Red Hand was a reservoir for our interests in the Soviet Union. Slowly, ever so slowly, we worked to create a flood.

The one they call Brusilov poisoned that well. "Practice above theory," how like his walled mind. With his influence, the Red Hand turned from a questing palm into a closed fist. Another instrument for aggression.

Yet, when the Union finally fell, it was not for the lack of instruments of aggression. Circuitously, our goal was still achieved. And now you pick over their detritus, a white stork on a garbage dump.


I was keeping someone waiting for a meeting, so I ran the names to see if there was more to this than deadbeat dad, violation of the Hippocratic oath, etc. Varias came up almost blank, I say almost and mean V. the younger has some hot photos on Romanian singles sites.

Yevgeny Brusilov, though, has hardcore history. He was like the Rasputin of the USSR's genetics program up to the late 60's, then he went darker than dark.

Tip from me to you: if this guy was involved out here, don't wear anything that stains easy.



What is in a name, indeed. There is more to concern us here than the elder Varias. This Brusilov character is likely Yevgeny Brusilov, an individual of some infamy in the old Soviet secret world.

Quite the renaissance man: soldier, geneticist, occultist. From what little intelligence we have on the activities of the Red Hand, he was instrumental in pushing them away from mysticism and towards science. Expect grisly discoveries ahead.

As for Brusilov, he disappeared well before Glasnost. We believe he went to the Phoenicians, but they are under no obligation to admit it.

R. Sonnac


There are 2 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/2

Tier 2/2

Other Information



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