Red Handed/tsw

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Red Handed/tsw
Region: Transylvania
Zone: Besieged Farmlands
Start Location: Aid Station
Start Coords: (1115,1072)
End location: [[St. Haralambie Church]]
Given by: Dr Varias
Type: Investigation
Reward: 1,396,310 Experience Experience
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: [[Update Update 1.1.0]]

Dr Varias is overwhelmed by all the sick and wounded in his charge. He needs help to administer the correct treatments and ease their suffering. It is his best hope for restoring dignity to the tainted Varias name.



Dr Varias: Yes, it is a very bad habit. I have not smoked so much or slept so little since medical school.
Dr Varias: I learned many facts as a young man that are useful during wartime.
Dr Varias: Fishing twine will hold for a suture, strong palinka will do for disinfectant.
Dr Varias: And a doctor must never abuse his orderlies.
Dr Varias: So you do not find a shit taken in your locker.
Dr Varias: Because they do the real work, circulating what is needed to where it is needed.
Dr Varias: There is only so much I can do alone.
Dr Varias: And here I must be a medical student, a veterinary surgeon, a psychiatrist, an alchemist.
Dr Varias: The injured - always more injured - they bring to me are sometimes more...
Dr Varias: exotic than human anatomy.
Dr Varias: It is good the vampires sterilise their steel.
Dr Varias: We are all professionals when it comes to preserving blood.
Dr Varias: You have many other matters to deal with, I understand.Why else would you have come to this strange village? Not for sightseeing, I think.
Dr Varias: But we have a war here, with many wounded, and I need my orderlies to do my best work.
Dr Varias: So I can be the surgeon the name Varias deserves.
Dr Varias: Hm, and forget the memory of the surgeon it had.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: The patients lie underneath the tent, each one suffering distinct symptoms and in dire need of the right treatment.
    • Diagnose and treat the first patient
    • Diagnose and treat the second patient
    • Diagnose and treat the third patient
    • Diagnose and treat the fourth patient
  • Tier 2: The clipboard for the last patient refers to Dr Varias's diary, as well as notes written by his father that he wishes he had. Perhaps there's something in the diary that can help this patient, or at least shed light on the elder Varias's mysterious work.
    • Read the diary of Dr Varias
    • Find the clue encrypted in the diary
  • Tier 3: Dr Varias's father once worked in this village. He rented this room and frequented the woman in this picture. The note inside the picture makes reference to his research. No matter how secret or horrifying this research may have been, deep down he wanted his son to find it.
    • Find the location mentioned in the note
    • Decipher the clues from the note to locate the research
  • Tier 3: The message led to an old Red Hand personal computer - and early Soviet version of the laptop. Scan whatever files may be stored inside and send the information on to your secret society.
    • Examine the research
    • Upload the research to your HQ




Father and son relationships are among the easiest to model and predict. The son will persue the father to the end of the world. He will do so under the guise of seeking closure. Vasile Varias would have you believe that he has no intention of becoming like his infamous begetter - that he is uncovering his father's dark legacy to better disassociate himself from it.

One is what one seeks. Vasile's destiny is inevitable, his path long dug by his father's rusted scalpel. He will one day discover his father's gruesome experiments and find genius in them. Despite better judgement, the son will feel compelled to advance the father's work.


This research is related to a Red Hand genetics project dedicated to creating a Soviet super soldier. The project required scientists with a stomach for experimental biology. This is where papa Varias comes in.

Closure and curiosity are both bullshit. I can tell you from experience, Vasile Varias is on a fast track to some serious daddy issues. He's putting in all this time and effort into tracking down daddy's gruesome research. What do you think will happen if he finds it?

Like father, like son.



They do not make experimental Soviet personal data manipulators like they used to. And with good reason. It shall take us a bit of time to transfer this research into some legible format.

Nonetheless, we must continue to secure all Red Hand related research in the area. We can confirm that the name Varias is linked to biological and genetic experiments. A terribly gruesome super soldier project that was flourishing in the 70's.

Hopefully the young doctor will enjoy a far less spectacular career. It seems rather likely, if only because he is - compared to his father - a man of minor medical talents.

R. Sonnac


There are 4 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/4

For this tier, you must read the patients clipboards, and then determine the correct medicine to use on them. Using the incorrect medicine locks you from trying again for 5 minutes.

The medicines are:

Pick them up off the nearby table. You can pick all of them up so that they are in your inventory. When you know which medicine to use for which patient, you use it's icon out of your inventory bags.


  • Diagnose and treat the first patient
    • Examine the Medical Clipboard - Patient #1: Mild spasms in jaw muscles. Breathing problems. I have my suspicions that all of the diseases suffered by my patients are tied to the filthy blood of the vampires.
Clue 1:
Look for something related to blood infections that can cause spasms
Clue 2:
Tetanus is a blood infection that can cause spams
Diazepam is used to treat tetanus
  • Diagnose and treat the second patient
    • Examine the Medical Clipboard - Patient #2: Headache, nausea, fever, vomiting. Blood test confirms presence of Plasmodium falciparum.
Clue 1:
Plasmodium falciparum
Chloroquine is used to treat Malaria
  • Diagnose and treat the third patient
    • Examine the Medical Clipboard - Patient #3: Fever, chills, and severe shaking, confusion and dizziness, small red dots on the skill, rapid breathing and heartbeat, reduced urination. Cleaned and bandaged a nasty wound on this one, but it still may have become infected.
Clue 1:
Infections are typically bacteria
Vancomycin is used to treat bacterial infections
  • Diagnose and treat the fourth patient
    • Examine the Medical Clipboard - Patient #4: Aggressive behavior, hallucinations, delusions, excessive production of saliva, fever, sweating and a sustained erection. This is rabies at this point, and I can only make the patient comfortable. My father's work with genetics could have saved this man, if only I could locate his diary. All of the clues to its location I recorded in my own diary.
    • When you read the clipboard, you do not treat this patient, but advance to Tier 2 of the mission

Tier 2/4

  • Read the diary of Dr Varias
    • On the table with the medicines
Clue 1:
Someone who loves chemistry would know the [ Periodic Table
Clue 2:
The number of the element relates to the letter of the alphabet
I Asked The Old Drinkers at the Tavern About My Father Some Recalled He Spent Nights With His Local Mistress There. "Good with a pitchfork and that is not all." This woman is long gone, but perhaps something remains.
  • Find the clue encrypted in the diary
Clue 1:
Head to the tavern
Clue 2:
Look for a woman with a pitchfork
There is a picture of a woman with a pitchfork in the upstairs room of The Owl and Eagle, the room with the cat on the bed, at (1043,1026). Use the picture. It reads "There are holy places here in the village. At the holy church, there is a holy man. That holy man owns a holy book. If you strip away the holyness from his message, the truth of my research will be revealed."

Tier 3/4

  • Find the location mentioned in the note
Clue 1:
Without "holy" the message reads "There are places in the village. At the church, there is a man. That man owns a book."
Go inside the St. Haralambie Church, at (870,1200)
  • Decipher the clues from the note to locate the research
Clue 2:
What you are looking for is not actually inside the church
Look for a dirt mound, behind the church, at (899,1223)

Tier 4/4

  • Examine the research
    • Password hint from computer: There is a message written within us all. My research is understanding the meaning of the message written between 45477804 to 45481340. The link is here, and to understand my research, you will need to understand the link.
Clue 1:
Dr Varias did genetics research.
Clue 2:
Looking for 45477804 to 45481340 gives you UROD
Clue 3:
UROD - "uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase" and mutations in the UROD gene is responsible for two forms of porphyria, porphyria cutanea tarda and hepatoerythropoietic porphyria.
Password - porphyria
  • Upload the research to your HQ

Other Information

Related Achievements

  • This mission is required for the Unleashed achievement




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