Spy Games/tsw

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Spy Games/tsw
Spy Games Book.jpg
Region: Venice
Zone: The Sunken Library
Start Location: Arturo Castiglione's Office
Start Coords: (84,242)
Given by: Recording device
Type: Item
Requires: Venice Sinking
Reward: 74,801 Experience Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.9

Ears and eyes are everywhere in Venice. Who can you trust in the Council? Who is watching you right now?


  • None

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Arturo is rather paranoid of the others listening in. Is his office bugged?
    • Search for suspicious devices (0/7)




The Lion of Venice spies on itself. It flaps its wings. It is insane. Crazed things get put down, and who is setting themselves up to euthanize?


The Council of Venice is Casablanca meets Tom Clancy. Secrets, betrayals, spies, and intrigue. It's been that way for a long time. But if Arturo has to fear his own people, things are taking a southward turn. Stay frosty. Trust no one. Count the number of knives in your back before you go to bed. Night-night.



Ah, Venice. There are so many sleights-of-hand and hidden cards that the game has little meaning anymore, except to get the usual suspects to the table. My worry is not that the game has gone bad, it's been bad for a long time, but where all the players will go if it folds. You are in a very polite lion's den.

R. Sonnac


There is 1 tier to this mission.

Tier 1/1

  • 0/7 Search for suspicious devices
    • These will NOT be yellow-outlined like most usable devices, you'll need to look for the red blinking light
    • The locations are:
      • On the book that starts the mission (84, 240)
      • Under the table next to the bookshelf (82,242)
      • Behind his computer (88,245)
      • Between the broken pieces of the floor under Ruben's Apotheosis of Henry IV (81, 256)
      • Beneath Guardi's Grand Canal with Rialto Bridge (80,262)
      • Left side of the pillar between the two doors (89,273)
      • Beneath one of the sofas (93,261)

Other Information



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