Hulk Smash/sandbox

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< Hulk Smash
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There are 4 tiers to this mission.

While on Priest Island be careful of the Hulking Masses (giant zombies), they can be much tougher than most monsters players will have likely encountered in the game.

Tier 1/4

  • Go to Priest Island
    • It's marked on your map, just jump down off the bridge, run along the shoreline a bit, then cross through the water.
  • Locate the source of the zombie mutations
    • There should be a "dark well" (spot of fuzzy blackness) on the ground near (230, 979)

Tier 2/4

  • Collect 12 boulders
    • Yellow-outlined small rocks scattered all over the island. Often found in groups of 2 or 3
    • You should be able to find all 12 without straying too far from the well
  • Cover a dark well
    • If you haven't gone too far, the one you found first should still be close at hand, at (230, 979)
  • Cover a second dark well
    • They're all marked on your map.
    • Easiest is probably at (180, 924), along inner side of island towards mainland
  • Cover a third dark well
    • Next up is the one at (62, 963)
  • Cover a fourth dark well
    • And finally at (51, 894)

Tier 3/4

  • Find the source of the rupture
    • A larger version of the dark wells, located at (143, 970)
  • Kill the Collosal Hulk
    • He'll be walking around the larger well

Tier 4/4

  • Seal the dark fountain
    • There should be a rock outcropping overlooking the well, with a boulder on top of it
    • Climb up the rock outcropping and use boulder to push if off and seal the fountain below


Initial Cutscene

Harrison Blake: (looking at a computer tablet with Anne) I'm familiar with that expression. It means the progress-versus-time graph for this about to stop making us look good.
Ann Radcliffe: It's these abnormally deformed condition 17s...Can we just start calling them "zombies," sir? The autopsy shows muscle mass still neural activity...I'm trying to isolate the chemical reactions, but in a soundbite:Zombies on PCP.
Harrison Blake: Hmm. Humor me for the sake of our field report. The Cond-The zombies. They are slabs of dead tissue. Ambulatory, cannibalistic, but dead. Inert. Whats the stimulus?
Ann Radcliffe: My guess? An environmental trigger. (pointing to the tablet) See how they've been concentrated around this northern island? We need to contain this mutation. We need to get out there -
Harrison Blake: Absolutely no field trips, Radcliffe. Safety first. We're just the science detail. And we're already closer than optimal survival distance to the occult epicenter on this one. Leave that to the redshirts.
Ann Radcliffe: Did you just drop a Star Trek reference, sir?
Harrison Blake: Whatever gave you that idea?

Other Information

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