Noisy Scrap Golem

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Noisy Scrap Golem
Noisy Scrap Golem.jpg
Type: Golem
Difficulty Rating: Normal
Level: {{{level}}}
Rarity: Mission monster
Damage Type: No Data
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Kingsmouth
Location: Edgar's Scrapyard
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW


A Metal Golem variant of the Golem.

The Noisy Scrap Golem cannot be completely killed, only rendered inoperative for a period of time. Once he has been rendered inoperative, players can loot him for the mission objective. A timer can be seen over his health, if he is targeted, showing his time to regenerate and reawaken.

Rendering the Noisy Scrap Golem inoperative causes three Unknown Metal Golems ((Need correct name here)) to spawn and attack. If players are quick, they will have just enough time to loot the Noisy Scrap Golem before these additional Golems engage them. If they do not loot him before fighting the additional golems, there is a risk of the Noisy Scrap Golem regenerating fully during that combat, forcing players to once again render him inoperative before being able to loot him (and starting the 3-add cycle over again).

Special Abilities

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