Moving Mountains, Rising Sands

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Moving Mountains, Rising Sands
Region: Valley of the Sun God
Zone: Scorched Desert
Start Coords: 435,635
Given by: Khalid's Diary
Type: Item
Reward: 100,330 Experience Experience
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.0

There's a section in Khalid's diary about golems walking the desert. "These large and malevolent machines of sand and dust - these tyrants of the dunes - will herald the end of days."

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Two specific golems are mentioned in the diary, as well as locations where they have been spotted. Find them and do what you can to take them down.
    • Destroy Kaphiri, Moving Mountain
    • Destroy Mshai, Rising Sand-Sea




Rising Sand-Sea and Moving Mountain lumber through the eternal desert. They seek each other as the world seeks its end. The consequence of their impact, were it to ever take place, would be a thousand times worse than Gonggong running into Mount Buzhou.

So you understand now why they must never meet.

They are symbols, yes, but they are capable of great impact. Worse, they are all working against us. They signal an end without reorder. Gonggong without Nuwa.

Be tireless in your efforts; confound the inevitable.


I make a habit of killing anyone that brings bad news. I find it significantly reduces the amount of bad news you get.

Rising Sand-Sea and Moving Mountain have tried to signal the end of days once before. When the two meet, bad things are supposed to happen. Well, didn't happen with Ozymandias and isn't going to happen now.

Executive summary: doomsday isn't currently on our agenda. Target anyone that signals, symbolizes or so much as hints at the end of days.



They say not to shoot the messenger. In this case, I applaud the exception. When the messenger portends the very end of days shooting them is the very least one can do.

Of course, we Templars do not settle for the least.

Rising Sand-Sea and Moving Mountain are mentioned in the last works of Hippias - not so much lost as well stored. In essence, it was imperative that the two lumbering giants never meet.

Granted, we are encountering far more harbingers of doom that usual at the present time. Let us prove they are all premature.

R. Sonnac


There is 1 tier to this mission.

Tier 1/1

Other Information



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