Sins of the Father/tsw

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Sins of the Father/tsw
Region: Transylvania
Zone: Besieged Farmlands
Start Location: Harbabureşti
Start Coords: (1115,1071)
End location: Observatory
Given by: Dr Varias
Type: Sabotage
Requires: Red Hands Aren't Idle Hands
The Briefcase
Reward: 897,610 Experience Experience
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.0

The surgeon running the makeshift field hospital in town, Vaile Varias, is wearied by more than his current workload. A personal matter had initially brought him to this remote valley - one that may have deeper repercussions.


Dialogue Scene Name

Dr Varias: This is not the future my family once saw for me.
Dr Varias: "The great Varias doctors," tch!
Dr Varias: I used to think my sister was the unlucky child, but it would be me.
Dr Varias: It became known that my father collaborated with the Soviets, even after the occupation.
Dr Varias: He abandoned us rather than face his shame...
Dr Varias: If we spoke of him, we expected spit in our face.
Dr Varias: I...I studied in disgrace and could find no work in the cities. So I come to the villages,
Dr Varias: because the people care more about what I do for them than my name. And...
Dr Varias: I search for my father's work.
Dr Varias: The work of the Red Hand.
Dr Varias: You could not fairly call what I found in their underground laboratories medicine, or science.
Dr Varias: This is where the trail took me. To the observatory that sits over the village.
Dr Varias: In that abandoned place I found documents, recordings. Catalogue after catalogue of crimes against life itself.
Dr Varias: And a sealed door.
Dr Varias: I began stacking the stuff in piles. For bedtime reading.
Dr Varias: Then the vampires came and I had to run.
Dr Varias: My father would never speak to us of his work, but everything he left unsaid he also left to fester in me.
Dr Varias: I inherited my father's sins.
Dr Varias: When I opened those doors to the past, I also opened up a path to redemption...
Dr Varias: for the name Varias.
Dr Varias: And for me.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Vasile explains his father once worked for the Red Hand, an occult Soviet operation. A sealed door near the observatory outside of town suggests there is more to their presence here.
    • Enter the underground bunker
  • Tier 2: The facility has clearly been locked down for decades, its systems left to go dormant. Finding and restarting the power source will be necessary to continue exploring.
    • Search the facility for information
    • Reach the reactor section
  • Tier 3: It seems this miniature reactors are responsible for powering the facility. You'll have to risk bringing them back online.
    • Initalise the activation sequence for the reactors
    • Restart the reactors
  • Tier 4: The facility's Cold War systems whirr back into analogue life. Now you should be able to reach the server room and investigate any material the Soviets left behind.
    • Reach the server room
    • Locate the main console
    • Retrieve the eldar Varias' research data
  • Tier 5: Varias's data indicates he was part of a Red Hand program working on hybridisation of human and vampire subjects. An experimental prototype may still be within the facility, in the research labratory.
    • Reach the research laboratory
    • Vent the laboratory aid and override the lockdown
    • Locate Prototype XL-239
    • Destroy Prototype XL-239




The Red Hand were a disappointment to us. We guided them to be explorers of new possibility spaces. To escalate beyond that lumbering union. For brilliant moments, they were radical. But the ripples never escaped the dams erected by the state.

In time, other means of change were selected. The Red Hand, who could have been architects, ended as victims. Swept away into insignificance. Great minds stolen by small ones. Great works mouldering in irradiated forests.

Destroy what you find of the Red Hand in this place. They are no longer of consequence. They are nothing.


Give me a minute, I'm still pulling this Red Hand stuff up and I'm on my cell. Looks like these guys haven't been a going concern for half a century. But I guess Europe is about that far behind us, right?

1960s, Ivans, experimentation, danger danger, oh yeah these guys. They were big into making the Soviet superman, to win the war that never happened. Heavy testing of human exposure to space, radiation, weirder stuff...and apparently crossbreeding with bloodsuckers.

If that thing was the result, I've got bad news for the soccer mom population of the US.



The Red Hand's alarming achievements as a military-occult complex are rivaled only by the speed at which they vanished in the fall of Communism. Like the KGB and military, the manpower largely migrated to the mobs, or to the Phoenicians.

The fallout left dozens of hastily sealed and abandoned outposts across Eastern Europe - most still unaccounted for. It appears they had designs on this valley that we overlooked. That we cannot allow to resurface.

It raises many vexing questions. Even considering the obvious decay in vampiric values, I cannot imagine why the creatures would collude with the Soviets.

R. Sonnac


There are 5 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/5

Tier 2/5

While in the Underground Bunker (Solo Instance), try to avoid the Malnourished Siege Breakers - they do around 1,000 HP damage per hit, on normal hits. If you do get their aggro, you can try to run back to the first room and hide in the north-east corner, at (326, 472), that corner is outside of their range.

  • Search the facility for information
    • Use the "Security console" on the north wall, at (309, 448)
    • Item #4 will advance the mission
    • Use Item #5 and route the power to section 4 so you don't have to backtrack later
  • Reach the reactor section
    • Use the "Fuse box" at (317, 432) to get the Electrical fuse
    • Use the "Wires" at (299, 407) to get the Electrical wires
    • There is also a Flare in a "Crate" in the same room as the wires if you need more light
    • Use the "Broken fuse box" at (312, 378) and the Electrical fuse will disappear from your inventory
    • Use the "Broken wires" at (312, 378) and the Electrical wires will disappear from your inventory
    • Use the "Door control" at (312, 378) to open the door

Tier 3/5

  • Initialise the activation sequence for the reactors
    • The order to reactivate the reactors in can be found on a Scientist corpse in reactor room 2, located at (364|390). The corpse has a Key Card. On the Key Card is the restart sequence 4, 2, 1, 3
    • Use the "Reactor security console" at (334, 368) to start the process
    • Reroute emergency power to Reactor 4, go to Reactor 4 console, and start reactor
  • Restart the reactors
    • This step is now timed, and you have 5:00 minutes to active the remaining reactors. If it times out, you will need to begin again. If you do it in the wrong order you can wait for it to time out, or you can can restart the sequence at the Reactor security console.
    • Reroute emergency power to Reactor 2, go to Reactor 2 console, and start reactor
    • Reroute emergency power to Reactor 1, go to Reactor 1 console, and start reactor
    • Reroute emergency power to Reactor 3, go to Reactor 3 console, and start reactor

Tier 4/5

Note: Security cameras will activate, but since they are unattended they will not harm you. Except, some have active machine guns. Avoid detection by those.

  • Reach the server room
    • Head back down the hallway to the "Door Control" at (293,372)
    • Watch out for the security camera - it will activate the machine gun
    • After you go through the door, there will be 3 more security cameras and guns, and then a patrolling Malnourished Siege Breaker. You'll have to wait until he's at the farthest point in the hallway and turns and then run straight, pass behind him, and hide behind some crates.
    • Once you get partway down the corridor the Malnourished Siege Breaker patrols, you'll be able to spawn at a point behind the crates at the end of the hallway instead of back at the instance intrance
  • Locate the main console
    • There is a laser grid to overcome by jumping and moving. Also active cameras with machine guns to avoid.
    • Laser grid control #1 is at (257, 288) in the south-east corner of the room, allows access to #2
    • Laser grid control #2 is at (256, 310) in the north-east corner of the room, allows access to #3
    • Laser grid control #3 is at (226, 311) in the north-west corner of the second room, allows access to #4
    • Laser grid control #4 is at (225, 288) in the south-east corner of the second room, allows access to the to Server main console and Laser grid control #5
    • Laser grid control #5 is at (197, 297) in the Server main console room, and turns off all remaining lasers
  • Retrieve the eldar Varias' research data
    • Use the "Server main console"
    • Item #4 to advance the mission
    • Make sure to pick up the Red keycard next to the Server main console

Tier 5/5

  • Reach the research laboratory
  • Vent the laboratory aid and override the lockdown
    • There are cameras to avoid with automated guns
    • There are 3 controls in the room
      • First use the Power control console in the back-right of the room
      • Next use the Ventillation system activation switch, on the wall to the left (as you came in)
      • Finally, the Lockdown override control on the back wall
      • You have 60-seconds from the time you use the power control console to use the other two controls (while avoiding the cameras / machine guns) or else it will all reset and you'll have to wait 10-seconds to try again.
  • Locate Prototype XL-239
    • In the second room past the room with the three controls
  • Destroy Prototype XL-239
    • There is an "Emergency defence system" switch in the first room at (221, 348) and another switch in the second room, at (224, 376). You can use these switches to activate the machine guns at the doorway between the first and second room. Instead of attacking you, they will attack the Prototype XL-239

Other Information

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