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==Other Information==
==Other Information==
* On the player's first run-through this mission is followed automatically by [[Elements of Control]].

Revision as of 02:12, 8 August 2016

Neuromancy and the Art of Making Friends
Region: No Data
Zone: No Data
Start Coords: ???
End location: [[???]]
Given by: No Data
Type: No Data
Reward: No Data
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: No Data

Journal Entries

Mission Story.png Neuromancy and the Art of Making Friends       Story Mission
Tier 1
Tier 1 Description
  • Tier 1 Objectives


There are x tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/2

  • Objective
    • Additional Information


  • ###,### Experience total
    • ###,### per Tier for tiers 1 thru #
    • ###,### for completion of tier #
  • ###,### Pax Romana upon completion of tier #
  • # Black Bullion upon completion of tier #
  • Item Name QL# item type, upon completion of tier #



"Harumi is it? Rumy-Rum. Her head rattles like a pachinko machine. Bing-bing-bing! All that tilt. The caffeine holds her smile up pretty good. She’s got just the right balance of damage to keep going in the most unlikely of ways. But if that chaos ever slips… Don’t let the cute face fool you too much. She wanted something more than just a connection to cameras and satellites. Don’t know what, but I feel that itch. Never flimflam a flimflammer. <bɾ> D.K.


Harumi is adorbs, right? Don’t get so attached. She’s an asset. Granted, she might be a valuable asset. Her skill set is...unlikely. We might have a place for her here. But that’s not your focus point now. If the world is still here when the Kaidan dust settles, and you eat all of your vegetables, then we can talk about keeping your new pet. That’s of course if the plucky little hacker survives. The alternative scenario is tragic, but saves us the worry of the other two factions snatching her up. In which case, you can have a moment of silence, but it’s coming out of your vacation package. Meantime, stay frosty out there. <bɾ> KG


Disasters, horrible as they are, unearth surprises. Take Harumi. Would we have noticed her without the tragedy of Kaidan? THe Illuminati noticed her. Months before the bomb, she used her impressive computer skills to cause them some virtual bother. For that she has my applause. I would not worry about backlash from the Blues. That sort of creative treachery is like courtship to them. Of course, that thought brings about another batch of concerns. <bɾ> R. Sonnac



Yuichi: Babies are born without kneecaps.
Yuichi: They don't get them until they're two to six years old.
Harumi: Come-on-come-on-come-on! Frag! FRAG! Get some! Yeah, get some! Come at me bro, I'm jacked!
Harumi: Yeah-yeah, you nargle-puke dorks! Give me all of your aggro! Pa-pa-pa-pow!
Harumi: I'll put a mega-ton of hot plasma right up your –
Harumi: Oh! Hey! I was just...gaming.
Harumi: You know...gaming? I'm a gamer... It's what I do.
Yuichi: She's a hacker too. Rum's semi-famous in some online circles.
Harumi: Well...I don't wanna brag...but...
Harumi: I've gotten into a slew of systems. I graduated from corporations to governments when I was only little.
Harumi: I found the secret way into occult eBay.
Harumi: And you should see the hidden files Morninglight has on you.
Harumi: That's how I recognized you.
Harumi: But my favoritest thing is needling Orochi.
Harumi: I've spent months setting up web traces, backdoors, dummy accounts, and password spammers, from every angle.
Harumi: BAJOOM!
Harumi: But at every angle, their walls held up.
Harumi: That is...
Harumi: ...until three weeks ago. See, Orochi is planning–
John (static)
John: ...all made of stars...made of stars...you're all made of stars...
John: Marco...Polo...Marco...
John: Dream a little dream with me...
Harumi: John.
Yuichi: Ground Zero! The Zero-point signal!
Yuichi (terrified, in Japanese): Oh, turn it off, Rum. Oh, let's not linger. Oh, fly, fly, fly away home.
Yuichi (ditto): The vampire squid frequency. It goes in through the ears.
Yuichi (ditto): It's in our ears!
Harumi: No. He's just...misunderstood.
Harumi: I've been talking with him. I –
John (laughter)
Harumi: John? John? You're getting kind of...icky.
Harumi: Can you stop that? Please.
Harumi: That... That was...spooky. Right?
Harumi: Right! Orochi.
Harumi: Recently, they started setting up some kind of fancy sattelite uplink on the roof of an apartment complex.
Harumi: Very close to here. I've got a little gizmo.
Harumi: If you attach it to that uplink, I can tap their data stream remotely.
Harumi: Imagine all that yummy, yummy data!
Harumi: You have to get on that roof without being seen by the Orochi cyborg units. Good luck!
Harumi: Not that you –
Harumi: Oh, Mother Hubbard! You sneaks!
Harumi: Thought you could get the drop on the Neuromancer Queen, huh! Get some!
Harumi: Oh this? This is just a new mech game I play.
Harumi: Yeah, a hyper-realistic mech game with emergent physics.
Harumi: Yeah...
Yuichi: "Mr. Mojo Risin" is an anagram for Jim Morrison.

Other Information

  • On the player's first run-through this mission is followed automatically by Elements of Control.






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