Weakened Movila

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Weakened Movila
Grigore Movila.png
Type: Vampire
Difficulty Rating: Elite
Level: {{{level}}}
Rarity: Mission monster
Damage Type: No Data
HP: 4,607
XP Awarded: 0
Region: Transylvania
Zone: Besieged Farmlands
Map Co-ords: (1078,626)
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW


Grigore Movila is one of the three Vampire generals leading the army that is attacking Harbabureşti, along with Stelian Tiranul and Vasile Rasva. He was leading the vampires in the Siege Camp until you nearly destroyed him.

He fled to a small watermill along with Vasile Rasva and Stelian Tiranul, where you encounter them again and attempt to destroy them.

Special Abilities

  • Permanent Effect: None
  • Can Cast: None

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