Lapis Mouser

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Lapis Mouser invicon.png

Lapis Mouser

Summons the Lapis Mouser pet.
Lapis Mouser guiicon.png

Lapis Mouser

In the 1920s, British archaeologists opened the Royal Tombs of the Sumerian city-state of Ur, loosing these otherworldly felines. That night, rodents the world over suffered a communal nightmare.

Source: Item Store

The Lapis Mouser is a small short-haired cat. The fur appears to be a bluish, similar to that of lapis lazuli. But, it also seems to have a bit of a green glow to it.

While running, it will follow you. If you remain standing in one place for a period of time, it will occasionally lick its front paw, stretch its back, or arch its back and hiss.


This pet is one possible item that can be found in the following items, which themselves are only obtainable during the Samhain seasonal event.
