Reanimated Warrior

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Reanimated Warrior
Reanimated Warrior.jpg
Type: Zombie
Difficulty Rating: Normal
Level: {{{level}}}
Damage Type: No Data
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Kingsmouth
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW


These monsters only appear during the Idol of Nergal mission, during which you will acquire the "Curse of Nergal", and will be ambushed repeatedly by Reanimated Warriors on your way to Henry Hawthorne to turn in the Idol. The curse will be removed on delivery.

Special Ability

  • Can cast a Hinder on you, to slow you down while trying to get to the church
  • They also seem to have an ability that causes other Zombies around you to aggro you from an increased range ((Need to verify))

Related Missions