Kingsmouth Sewer Junction

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Kingsmouth Sewer Junction
Kingsmouth Sewer Junction (Solo Instance).png
Map Coordinates: (271,386)
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Kingsmouth
Type: Solo Instance

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You enter the Kingsmouth Sewer Junction (Solo Instance) while on Tier 5 of the Appetite for Destruction mission. The entrance is via one of the sewer lids on Arkham Avenue, at (271,386).

While inside the sewer, you caan also pick up the Flushed brochure while inside this instance which begins the The Coming Dawn mission.


Starts at this Location

Involved In


There is really only one L-shaped room in this instance. The objective for Appetite for Destruction is in the middle of the room. The brochure for The Coming Dawn is at the inside-corner of the L.

  • The entrance to the Kingsmouth Sewer Junction is one of the sewer lids on Arkham Avenue in Kingsmouth.
  • Map coordinates are (271,386)


There is no achievement for entering this location on its own, but completing the associated missions can award achievements.
