User:Skolia/sandbox/concepts/Agent Network Missions

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SWLicon.png This article concerns content for Secret World Legends. This content is not available for the TSWicon.png TSW Classic version.

This is a test design of a page for Agent Network Missions.

Mission List

Agent Network missions.

Name Description Tier Faction Requirements Duration Potential Rewards Agent XP Intel Supplies Assets Bonus Rewards
Age of Misinformation
We have just received word that a New York

reporter has recently obtained evidence of secret world activity. If they go public with this information it could put all clandestine operations at risk. Send an agent to steal the evidence by any means necessary before it gets released to the public.

1 Faction Any Text.png 10 ☐ 0:15:00 200cc Weapon Distillate, 200cc Talisman Distillate 180 0 1 0 Intel
Agricultural Interests
1 Any 15 ◯ 4:00:00 250cc Weapon Distillate, 250cc Talisman Distillate 960 1 0 0
All Aboard
1 Any 10 △ 4:00:00 200cc Weapon Distillate, 200cc Talisman Distillate 864 0 0 1 Resilience
Caravan of Filth
2 Any 60 ☐ 1 Intel 0:15:00 37 - 375 Anima Shards, 187cc Talisman Distillate 252 0 1 0
Cat's Out of The Bag
1 Any 10 ◯ 0:15:00 200cc Weapon Distillate, 200cc Talisman Distillate 180 1 0 0 Assets
Devils, Demons, and Fiends... Oh My!
Special Any 1 △ 4:00:00 ??cc Weapon Distillate, ??cc Talisman Distillate, ??? Anima Shards 1200 0 0 0
Discovery of the Ages
2 Any 100 ☐ 75 ◯ 5 Intel 5 Assets 1:00:00 150 - 1500 Anima Shards, Gear Reward Bag 1344 0 4 0
Don't Wake the Dead
2 Any 80 ☐ 3 Intel 4:00:00 312cc Weapon Distillate, 312cc Talisman Distillate 1344 0 2 0
Draugology 101
1 Any 15 ◯ 4:00:00 250cc Talisman Distillate, 250cc Weapon Distillate 960 1 0 0
Drill Deeper
2 Any 80 ☐ 3 Intel 4:00:00 112 - 1125 Anima Shards, 312cc Talisman Distillate 1344 0 2 0 Intel, Supernatural
Drone Race
2 Any 60 △ 1 Supplies 1:00:00 250cc Weapon Distillate, 250cc Talisman Distillate 1008 0 0 1 125cc Weapon Distillate, Resilience
For My Next Trick
1 Any 15 ☐ 8:00:00 300cc Weapon Distillate, 300cc Talisman Distillate 1280 0 1 0
From A Land Down Under
2 Any 80 ☐ 3 Intel 8:00:00 Agent Gear Bag, 150 - 1500 Anima Shards 1792 0 2 0
Herding Draug
1 Any 15 △ 8:00:00 300cc Weapon Distillate, 300cc Talisman Distillate 1280 0 0 1 20% Agent XP
1 Any 10 ☐ 0:15:00 ??cc Weapon Distillate, ??cc Talisman Distillate 180 0 1 0 Intel
It Came From Below
1 Any 15 ☐ 1:00:00 90 - 900 Anima Shards, 250cc Talisman Distillate 800 0 1 0 Assets
Lurking Wendigo
1 Any 10 △ 1:00:00 200cc Weapon Distillate, 200cc Talisman Distillate 720 0 0 1
Night Terrors
1 Any 1 △ 4:00:00 ??? Anima Shards, ??cc Weapon Distillate, ??cc Talisman Distillate 1200 0 0 0
Off the Air
1 Any 10 ☐ 1:00:00 200cc Weapon Distillate, 200cc Talisman Distillate 720 0 1 0 Assets, Dexterity
Pick Up, The
A member of your faction is in hot water.

A package was supposed to be delivered by noon today, but they have recently learned the package has been intercepted by Phoenician operatives. Send an agent to retrieve the package by any means necessary.

This is a high firepower mission that is time sensitive. Get that package before the Phoenicians discover what it contains.

1 Any 15 △ 8:00:00 300cc Weapon Distillate, 300cc Talisman Distillate 1280 0 0 1 20% Agent XP, Power
Remote Signals
2 Any 60 ◯ 1 Asset 1:00:00 250cc Weapon Distillate, 250cc Talisman Distillate 1008 1 0 0 125cc Weapon Distillate, Charisma
Ritual Too Far, A
1 Any 15 △ 20 ☐ 3 Intel 3 Supplies 4:00:00 300cc Talisman Distillate, 300cc Weapon Distillate 1152 0 0 2 150cc Talisman Distillate, 10% Agent XP, Power, Supernatural
Roll of the Dice
2 Any 80 ☐ 3 Intel 4:00:00 312cc Weapon Distillate, 312cc Talisman Distillate 1344 0 2 0
Stranger Connections
2 Any 80 ◯ 3 Assets 4:00:00 312cc Weapon Distillate, 312cc Talisman Distillate 1344 2 0 0
Suspicious Obituary
1 Any 10 ◯ 0:15:00 ??cc Weapon Distillate, ??cc Talisman Distillate 180 1 0 0 XP
They Only Come Out at Night
1 Any 10 ☐ 1:00:00 ??? Anima Shards, ??cc Weapon Distillate 720 0 1 0 Supplies
Truck Stops Here, The
1 Any 10 △ 0:15:00 30 - 300 Anima Shards, 150cc Talisman Distillate 180 0 0 1 Supplies
When It Rains
1 Any 15 △ 20 ◯ 3 Supplies 3 Assets 8:00:00 ??? Anima Shards, Agent Bag 1536 2 0 0
Zombie Viscera Clean-Up
1 Any 10 △ 0:15:00 150cc Weapon Distillate, 150cc Talisman Distillate 180 0 0 1

This is missing the descriptions for each mission (which is the only data not included). Most descriptions are fairly short but some are longer.

A similar table could probably be used for agents but I'm not sure if they're going to be "randomish" like Star Trek Online's duty officers or if they will all be individual with specific stats.

Agent System Mechanics

Icon Name Type Description Notes
Adaptability Attribute Used for mission requirements and Agent stats
(need) Agent Bag Reward Random Agent item Equipment or Dossier
(add) Anima Shards Reward Amount varies
SWL Agent Icon Asset.png Assets Item Used for missions requirements and rewards
(need) Bonus XP Reward Agent XP Bonus Percentage
SWL Agent Trait Charisma.png Charisma Trait
SWL Agent Trait Dexterity.png Dexterity Trait
(need) Enhanced Weapon Bag Reward Weapon bag but usually 2+ pips
(need) Gear Reward Bag Reward Random Agent item Equipment
Ingenuity Attribute Used for mission requirements and Agent stats
SWL Agent Icon Intel.png Intel Item Used for missions requirements and rewards
SWL Agent Trait Intelligence.png Intelligence Trait
SWL Agent Trait Power.png Power Trait
Prowess Attribute Used for mission requirements and Agent stats
SWL Agent Trait Resilience.png Resilience Trait
SWL Agent Trait Supernatural.png Supernatural Trait
SWL Agent Icon Supplies.png Supplies Item Used for missions requirements and rewards
(need) Talisman Distillate Reward "cc" varies
(need) Weapon Distillate Reward "cc" varies
(add) XP Reward Agent XP

Mission Tiers

Tier Min. Agent Level
Special Any
1 1
2 12?
3 ?