Kingsmouth Sewer Junction

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Kingsmouth Sewer Junction
Kingsmouth Sewer Junction (Solo Instance).png
Map Coordinates: (271,386)
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Kingsmouth
Type: Instance

You enter the Kingsmouth Sewer Junction while on Tier 5 of the Appetite for Destruction mission. The entrance is via one of the sewer lids on Arkham Avenue, at (271,386).


Involved In


There is really only one L-shaped room in this instance. The objective for Appetite for Destruction is in the middle of the room.

  • The entrance to the Kingsmouth Sewer Junction is one of the sewer lids on Arkham Avenue in Kingsmouth.
  • Map coordinates are (271,386)


There is no achievement for entering this location on its own, but completing the associated missions can award achievements.
