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Revision as of 19:43, 9 March 2018 by Skolia (talk | contribs)
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Agent GUI Element Icons


intel - Intel
supplies - Supplies
assets - Assets
prowess - Prowess Symbol
adaptability - Adaptability Symbol
ingenuity - Ingenuity Symbol
power - Power Trait
resilience - Resilience Trait
charisma - Charisma Trait
dexterity - Dexterity Trait
supernatural - Supernatural Trait
intelligence - Intelligence Trait
xp - Experience Points
xpbig - Experience Points (larger)
enhancedweapon - Enhanced Weapon Reward Bag
weapon - Weapon Distillate (Green) (also weapongreen, weaponblue, weaponpurple)
talisman - Talisman Distillate (Green) (also talismangreen, talismanblue, talismanpurple)
shards - Anima Shards
gearbag - Agent Gear Bag
agentbag - Agent Reward Bag
bonusxp - Agent XP Bonus (also bonusxpblue, bonusxpgold)


Intel: Intel

Intel: {{SWLAgentUI|intel}}

Adaptability: ☐

Adaptability: {{SWLAgentUI|adaptability}}

Ingenuity: ◯

Ingenuity: {{SWLAgentUI|ingenuity}}

Prowess: △

Prowess: {{SWLAgentUI|prowess}}

Supernatural: Supernatural

Supernatural: {{SWLAgentUI|supernatural}}

Weapon Distillate (Green): Weapon Distillate

Weapon Distillate (Green): {{SWLAgentUI|weapongreen}}

Talisman Distillate (Green): Talisman Distillate

Talisman Distillate (Green): {{SWLAgentUI|talismangreen}}