The Puritan

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The Puritan was the second teaser trailer to be released to the public by Funcom for The Secret World. The release of this trailer was accompanied with the release of a massive amount of information regarding the game (including screenshots), at PAX2009. Trailer is 1.21 minutes long.

The Video

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Download in 720p(zip), 480p (zip)

The Storyboards

On 9/13/2009, TSW concept artist Olve Askim released to the public a series of storybords for The Puritan on his blog.

Puritan concept1.jpg
Puritan concept2.jpg
Puritan concept3.jpg

Thematic Content

The trailer starts in a late evening or at night, in a children's playground near a park. It looks like late Autumn or Winter, but without any snow yet. There is a black feather falling onto the ground. It looks like some big bird's, like a crow's or a raven's. It passes by a single, old white shoe lying on the ground. Finally it comes to rest. Now we can see a person - a Caucasian girl with white hair, who picks up the feather. She looks quite young - around 18 years old. Her eyes are blue. She wears a white, woollen hat and a matching white jumper, blue jeans, a red scarf, and a warm red sleeveless jacket with brown false fur collar. She also has white and navy blue trainers with white laces. On her back, there is on a holster in which the girl hides a shotgun. On the holster's strap belt, just over a metal buckle, is some sort of badge. It looks like a metal triangle with a circle in it, and at least two other lines. The camera is moving around, and we can see many black birds sitting on phone lines. There is a train passing by in the background. The camera moves again. Now the girl notices some being sitting on a slide. It wears rugged clothes made of brown leather, with its parts sewn together with a heavy crossed thread. The being also wears a long, sharp ended hood. It has heavy boots with leather laces. When it is moving it head, we can see there is nothing under the hood, just an empty black hole. Suddenly it jumps from the slide, and starts a dash towards the girl - producing two swords while running. The girl pulls a silver thing from side of her jacket, a thing which looks like some weapon's hilt. She hits it against the ground and then we see very bright light coming from the place of the impact. The charging creature changes in this very moment to hundreds of birds - all big and black. They fly just over the kneeling girl, who still holds her weapon. On top of the hilt there is now a long piece with a cross. Finally birds pass her, and the creature is starting to re-form on a nearby swing. In both hands it now holds blades. In the right hand a curved sword, and in the left hand a something resembling a long hatchet. The girl hides her own weapon, and the creature jumps towards her. Then she pulls a shotgun from the holster. The shotgun has five rounds, one is loaded. On top of the shotgun is some sort of a brass badge with a circle and a cross. The girl fires the weapon, and that is the last scene of the trailer. After that there are just subtitles: 'to be continued' and 'dark days are coming'. The latter is changing into the official game site address:

Revealed Content
