CryGaiaWiki:Ingame Check-up/City of the Sun God

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This page is for checking up on a various parts of City of the Sun God zone.

Main Page

Is there a main page for the zone with appropriate information


  • Over = Overview (Background, Timeline)
  • NPC = A list of NPCs (Resident / Non-Resident / Not-Encountered)
  • Agar = Agartha Entrance Location listed
  • LOC = Locations (Buildings / Landmarks)
  • Map = Maps (Lore / Rare / Mission)
  • Link = Links (Mission List / Dungeon / Achievements / Monsters)
City of the Sun God Page
Name Over NPC Agar LOC Map Link
City of the Sun God X


When the text in the article is exactly the same as it's written ingame mark an X in it's box.


  • Count = Mission number - has no relation to anything directly, just used to compare to the mission count on the City of the Sun God_missions page, to make sure they agree and we're not missing one
  • Image = Image for mission, or at least quest giver
  • Box = Missionbox information.
    • At a minimum, every mission should have: Region/Zone/Givenby/Type/Added/Reward
    • Non-Repeatable missions should have repeatable=no
    • Item missions should have at least startcoords, NPC given missions should have location or startcoords
  • Text = Basic Journal Text for the Mission
  • Diag = Cutscene Dialogue
    • for Item missions unless it is a very unusual one that actually has dialogue
  • JE/T = Journal Entries for each Tier
  • Reward = XP / Pax / Sequins
  • DrR / IlR / TeR = Mission Turn-in / Report - for Dragon, Illuminati, Templar respectively
  • Walk = Basic Walkthrough with at least the steps per Tier if not more detailed information
  • Notes = Anything else
City of the Sun God missions
Name Count Image Box Text Diag JE/T Reward DrR IlR TeR Walk Notes
Mummy Issues 1 X X X X X X X X
The Way of Things 2 X X X X X X X X
Sympathy for the Devil 3 X X X X X Dungeon
Blood and Fire 4 X X X X X X
A Farewell to Arms 5 X X X X X X
The Binding 6 X X X X Missing re-run reward.
The Sad Song 7 X X X X X X X X
They Were Beautiful Once 8 X X X X X X
Dead Rising 9 X X X X X X
The 3rd Age 10 X X X X X X Miss re-run XP reward
The Stained Oasis 11 X X X X X X X
Halls of Lost Records 12 X X X X X
A City Born in Blood 13 X X X X X X X X
Dust Devils 14 X X X X X
The Dark Places 15 X X X X X X X
The Eye of Horus 16 X X X X X Box misses end location
A Familiar Problem 17 X X X N/A X X X X X
A Modest Proposal 18 X X X X X X
Batteries Not Included (Mission) 19 X X X N/A X X X X
Behind Every Golem... 20 X X X N/A X X X X X
Bug Hunt 21 X X X N/A X X X X X
Bugged 22 X X X N/A X X X X X
Buried in Sand 23 X X X N/A X X X X X
Desert Uprising 24 X X N/A X X X X X
Earth, Wind, Fire and Water 25 X X X N/A X X X X X
Emergency Procedures 26 X X X X X X
Envoys of Rib-Hadda 27 X X X N/A X X X X X
Flight of the Falcon 28 X X X X X X X X Dialogue at the end
Foundations 29 X X X N/A X X X
From Ashes 30 X X X N/A X X X X X
Funeral Pyre 31 X X X N/A X X X X X
Ghoul, Well Done 32 X X X N/A X X X X X
Heavy Metals 33 X X X N/A X X X
It Came from the Desert 34 X X X N/A X X X X X
Mummy Massacre 35 X X N/A X X X X X
Points of Impact 36 X X X N/A X X X
Postcard Collector 37 X X X N/A X X X X / Not sure if every card is there
She Who Likes Silence 38 X X X N/A X X X X X
Sparked to Life 39 X X X N/A X X X X X
The Land of the Dead 40 X X X N/A X X X X X
Unknown Soldier 41 X X X N/A X X X X
Waters of the Nile 42 X X X N/A X X X X X
Wreckage 43 X X X N/A X X X
Citadel of Pain 44 X X N/A Lair mission
The Trinket Trail 45 X X N/A Lair mission
The Black Pharaoh's Guard 46 X X N/A Lair mission
Sympathy for the Devil Revisited 47 X X X X X


For each NPC, once we have a the information correctly recorded put an X in that box


  • Image = Image of NPC
  • Box = NPCBOX information
    • Region / Zone / Location or Coords / Type / Faction
  • Descrip = A basic overview / description
  • Mish = Missions initiated or involved in
  • Diag = Dialogue. Page should have if it is or 3 separate dialogues if there are any.
City of the Sun God NPCs
Name Image Box Descrip Mish Diag
*: This page is a monster page, not an NPC.
**: This page is an pre-launch ARG character and not found in game.
***: This page is a character not found in game.


For each location, mark with an X if we have the information for that location


  • Image = Image of the Location
  • Box = Locationbox information
    • Region / Zone / Type / Faction
  • Descrip = A basic overview / description
City of the Sun God Locations
Name Image Box Descrip


Put an X in each box for the dungeon as it is properly recorded


  • Image = Image of dungeon, or related questgiver
  • Back = Background Information (normal only)
  • Env = Environmental Hazards
  • B1 = Boss 1 (Image, Monsterbox, Abilities, Tactics, and Loot)
  • B2 = Boss 2 (Image, Monsterbox, Abilities, Tactics, and Loot)
  • B3 = Boss 3 (Image, Monsterbox, Abilities, Tactics, and Loot)
  • B4 = Boss 4 (Image, Monsterbox, Abilities, Tactics, and Loot)
  • B5 = Boss 5 (Image, Monsterbox, Abilities, Tactics, and Loot)
  • B6 = Boss 6 (Image, Monsterbox, Abilities, Tactics, and Loot)
  • Oth = Other Monsters
  • Lore = Lore Locations (Normal Mode only)
City of the Sun God Dungeons
Name Image Back Env B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 Oth Lore
Hell Fallen (Dungeon)
Hell Fallen (Elite)
Hell Fallen (Nightmare)
